Oedema is fluid retention and it occurs when there is too much fluid (mainly water) in the body’s tissues, causing swelling to occur in the affected area. It mainly affects the legs, ankles and feet. The swelling is usually related to the venous (veins) system, or the lymphatic system (tubes that carry lymph, a fluid that helps fight infection and clear fluid).
In Chinese Medicine oedema is related to the Spleen and Lung. Oedema is caused because the body cannot get rid of excess water. The Spleen is important because, in Chinese Medicine, it processes the food and the Blood, and transforms Dampness. The Lung can also be responsible if there is a blockage. If Kidney deficiency is diagnosed, it will be treated by warming and tonifying to restore the balance.
Chinese medicinal herbs used include Gan Jiang (Rhizoma Zingiberis) and Ze Xie (Rhizoma Alismatis) to prevent production of further Dampness. For the Spleen, Renshen (Radix Ginseng), Dang Shen (Radix Codonopsis), Fu Ling (Poria) and Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae) would be prescribed. The Lung herbs are intended to diret Lung-Qi downwards, and the herbs used here would be Gui Zhi (Ramulus Cinnamomi) and Ma Huang (Herba Ephedrae).
In Chinese Medicine curing oedema is not simply a case of taking diuretic drugs. They are not the answer as the system becomes dependent upon them, and once you stop taking them the body fills up with water again. If they are taken long-term they can cause other damage. Chinese Medicine treats the cause, not the symptoms.
It is highly likely that your practitioner will include the use of acupuncture as part of the treatment protocol.
If you wish to enquire about treatment or purchasing Chinese Herbal Medicines to help this condition please email us at info@asante-academy.com