Ban Xia (Rhizoma Pinelliae) is from the rhizome of Pinnelia ternata (Thunb.) Breit. Following harvesting, the cortex and fibrous roots are removed, after which it is sun-dried. It can be used in its crude form or after being soaked in ginger. Other processed forms include Fa Ban Xia (prepared with Gan Cao and lime), Zhi Ban Xia (prepared with honey) and Zhuli Ban Xia (prepared with Zhu Li).
Category: Interior Warming, Phlegm Transforming.
Common Name: Pinellia Rhizome.
Channels Entered: Lung, Spleen and Stomach.
Properties and Functions: It is pungent, warm and toxic in nature. Its main clinical functions are:
- Drying dampness, transforming phlegm and descending rebellious Qi.
- Stops vomiting by descending rebellious Qi.
- Disperses stagnation to resolve nodules and lumps whilst relieving pain.
Indications: The main presentations for its use are:
- A cough and/or asthma with copious sputum.
- Nausea and vomiting due rising Stomach Qi, Stomach deficiency, Stomach-Heat or during pregnancy. The nausea is often accompanied by Cold.
- For nodules, lumps and stagnation, distension and/or pain. It is also used for distention in the chest and epigastrium.
Dosage: 3 – 10g
Cautions and Contra-Indications: Use with caution during pregnancy. Its use is contra-indicated in: