Bai He

Bai He

Bai He (Bulbus Lilli) is the fleshy scale of the perennial herbaceous plant Lilium brownii F. E. Brown var. viridulum Baker, L. lancifolium Thunb., or L. pumilum DC. of family-Liliaceae. It is commonly found in most parts of China and harvested in autumn.

Category: Tonifying – Yin Tonifying.

Common Name: Lily Bulb.

Channels Entered: Heart and Lung.

Properties and Functions: It is sweet and slightly bitter in flavour, and slightly cold in nature. Its general functions are calming the spirit and stopping cough.

  • Moistens the Lungs, clears Heat and supresses coughing.
  • Clears the Heart and Calms the spirit.

Indications: Bai He is used clinically to treat Lung-Dryness or Lung-Heat coughs and sore throat, as well as intractable low-grade fever, insomnia, restlessness and irritability.

Dosage: 9 – 30g