This is an ancient Eastern therapy for restoring balance to the body’s natural energy systems. Acupuncture theory is based on the concept of Qi.
It therefore teaches that the life force energy in our bodies. Qi circulates through energy channels or meridians.
Qi is the power or force that fuels and drives both body and mind functions.
Acupuncture works by inserting very fine sterilized disposable acupuncture needles into meridians (the channels of energy).
An acupuncturist stimulates the body’s own healing response and help restore its natural balance/homeostasis.
As the energy of each organ travels to and affects different areas of the body, an acupuncturist may needle an area seemingly unrelated to the location of the symptoms.
By leaving the acupuncture needles in for approximately 20 minutes, a circuit of energy will be created which will help to correct any imbalance, thereby bringing relief to the patient.
An acupuncturist can identify 12 internal organs, each having a corresponding meridian or channel through which the Qi of the organ flows. Each meridian has various locations at which needles are inserted. These are called acupuncture points, or acupoints.
The flow of Qi can be disturbed by a number of factors including; emotional upset, physical trauma, poor diet or overwork.
Blocked Qi can manifest itself in areas that are different colour, particularly cold or hot, or painful. These signs can help an acupuncturist determine which points are most suitable.
Treating the patient as an individual is at the core of the acupuncture treatment which aims to helps the body to re-balance itself. The benefits of acupuncture include, but are not limited to; pain relief, inflammation management, improved sleep and relaxation, reduction of stress, and improved immune function.
Acupuncture also includes other techniques such as cupping, moxibustion or acupressure. It is also commonly used in conjunction with Chinese Tuina massage and Chinese herbal medicine.
Facial Acupuncture
Across centuries, acupuncture has been harnessed to foster longevity, enhance beauty, and notably, nurture overall well-being. Facial acupuncture, a beautifully simple method, serves the purpose of easing tense muscles and invigorating those that are overly relaxed, fostering a harmonious equilibrium.
Upon needle insertion, a minor skin disturbance occurs, prompting the body’s natural response to boost collagen production for repair. Particularly, when the needle is introduced intradermally to address a wrinkle, it contributes to plumping up the crease.
Furthermore, the multitude of minuscule perforations left in the wake of the needles’ presence remain open for a duration, creating an ideal canvas for the application of rejuvenating serums and moisturizers. This complementary synergy enhances the overall efficacy of the treatment.
Unveil your most radiant self with our meticulously crafted facial acupuncture treatments. Choose the path that suits your needs and let the transformative journey to ageless beauty begin.
Acupuncture with Asante Academy FAQs
Yes. It is ideal for you to avoid eating and/or drinking caffeinated drinks (tea/coffee etc) for at least 1 hour before your treatment. You should not consume alcohol or drugs prior to treatment. Your treatment may be refused if we feel that you are intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
If possible, it is also best to avoid stressful situations before your treatment, so that you arrived feeling calm and relaxed at the clinic, although, after most treatments, you will certainly feel more relaxed than when you arrived.
This is very subjective. It depends on the patient, the condition being treated, the severity and duration of the condition and which treatment(s) you receive. For acute stage conditions, you may start to feel some benefits of treatment after the first session, especially if you receive acupuncture or tuina. For chronic or long-standing conditions, a patient will normally need more time. If you are prescribed herbal medicine, the process can take a little longer, and you may only notice changes after a week or two weeks of treatment.
Patient compliance with advice given by practitioners will also have an effect. For example, if you are advised to take herbal medicine, rest or exercise but do not follow a regular routine, you may prolong the amount of time it takes before you start noticing changes to your condition.
For most patients, the effects of treatment are cumulative. This means that each treatment builds on the previous one, so normally over a course of treatments, you will notice increasing changes from one session to the next.
This is subjective, and will vary from patient to patient. It will usually be determined by:
- The condition you are having treatment for.
- The length of time you have had it – Is it acute or chronic in nature?
- The severity of your symptoms.
- Any other underlying issues which may be involved.
- Compliance with advice given by your practitioner – this may relate to herbal medicine, dietary or lifestyle advice or exercise.
Your attending practitioner will normally ask you to come for a follow-up treatment, where they can assess your response to the first treatment. This will also give them the opportunity to determine whether to continue with their original treatment plan or if it requires adjusting. Ultimately, this will help them determine how many subsequent sessions you may need.
If you are visiting Asante for either acupuncture or tuina, it would be helpful for you to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing, such as tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt or jumper.
Depending upon what you are receiving treatment for, your practitioner may ask you to adjust or remove certain items of clothing so that he or she can access particular acupuncture points or areas for massage. This would also apply if your practitioner decides to use cupping or moxibustion therapy.
You will be seen by one of our highly trained and professional practitioners. He or she will discuss your main complaint or problem, as well as any related medical history and other related health concerns you may have. They will also examine your tongue and pulse (traditional methods of diagnosis).
If relevant, they may also look at medical reports or scans. They will then discuss the Chinese medical diagnosis with you and explain the relevant treatment options, designing a treatment plan that is most appropriate for you.
The process of consultation and treatment usually last about 1 hour, although this may be shorter if you are coming just for a herbal medicine consultation. For more information, please contact us directly.
Yes! We are happy to offer you an online consultation, usually via Zoom if you are unable to attend the clinic in person. For more information, please contact us directly.
The cost of treatment will depend upon which practitioner you see and also the length of your treatment session.
If your practitioners advises that you require Chinese herbal medicine, this will be priced separately to your other treatment.
Yes. This is very common in China and in the West. Acupuncture is often provided alongside Chinese herbal medicine and Tuina massage therapy. This combination of treatment modalities can reinforce and strengthen the therapeutic effects of Chinese herbal medicine and/or tuina.
Sometimes patients may feel drowsy or slightly dizzy after a treatment, however, this usually passes quickly. Some patients may experience mild bruising at certain points where needles have been inserted. In a very small number of patients, approximately 1%, symptoms may get worse before they improve. This is a normal reaction for some patients, so please do not feel worried if this happens. Any worsening of symptoms usually passes quickly.
After receiving acupuncture, most patients experience a feeling of deep relaxation, although some patients may also feel drowsy or energised. You will be able to carry on your day as normal after treatment, although we would recommend trying to relax if possible and avoid strenuous activity.
Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of very fine, single-use, sterile, disposable needles into acupuncture points on the body, which are found on energy pathways called meridians. Needles are retained for approximately 20 – 30 minutes. Acupuncture aims to rebalance the flow of Qi in the meridians to relieve blockages and restore health to the patient. Patients may experience different sensations during treatment, such as relaxation, warmth or coolness, tingling, pulsing, heaviness or lightness, or a mild electric sensation. These can vary from subtle to intense.
If you would like to book an acupuncture treatment with us, please call 020-7272-6888 / 020-8347-6677. Alternatively you can email us at
Acupuncture is especially effective for all musculo-skeletal conditions, sports injuries, chronic pain syndromes, arthritis, back pain and rheumatism. It is also widely used for digestive issues, migraines, headaches, mental-emotional health issues such as stress, anxiety and depression.
At Asante, we also use acupuncture in the treatment of antenatal and postnatal health issues, such as morning sickness, PGP (pelvic girdle pain), back pain and postnatal depression.
It is also used very effectively alongside Chinese herbs and Tuina massage for many other conditions.
Your first treatment will usually last up to 1 hour to incorporate your initial consultation. Follow-up treatments are normally between 45 minutes to 1 hour. However, you can arrange shorter appointments if necessary.
Generally, acupuncture is relatively pain-free, although this can vary from patient to patient. The intensity of any pain usually depends upon the nature of the condition being treated and its severity, along with the location of needle insertion. Any pain is usually very brief.
Your acupuncturist will be using needles which are very fine and flexible. The needles are usually inserted only to a few millimetres. If this is a worry, your acupuncturist can use even finer needles or needle-free techniques.
Yes, provided that it is delivered by properly trained professionals. Our doctors and practitioners are highly qualified and abide by the strict Code of Practice set out by the various UK governing bodies for acupuncture and Chinese medicine. The Code of Practice have been approved by the Department of Health. Every acupuncturist who practices at Asanté Academy, is qualified at BSc level or above with many of our practitioners holding MSc’s and PhD’s in Chinese Medicine. Our acupuncturists have many years experience in both UK and China and all are members of either ATCM, BAcC or The Acupuncture Society.