Asante & Su Wen Press
Asante & Su Wen Press 4
Asante & Su Wen Press

We are really excited to annouce that Asante & Su Wen Press are joining forces.

This new partnership will help in the promotion of the books written by the late Giovanni Maciocia. He was a world renowned practitioner of TCM and a greatly respected pillar of the TCM community. We are proud to say that he was also one of the founding practitioners here at Asante Acdemy.

Usual delivery time for orders is 1-2 days from order date, additionally, there is no charge for delivery within the UK.

This is an invaluable resource for new and continuing students, as well as established practitioners. Giovanni Maciocia has created a deeply informative set of books covering all aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

As part of the new collaboration between Asante & Su Wen Press, we are also endorsing the offical Giovanni Maciocia website, With this endorsement, we are able to offer all students a 30% discount for online courses and presentations. This is in addition to free content already available. Please contact Asante directly for more information and our discount code.

We hope our students and members TCM community can benefit from the vast knowledge available through these links.